GCN Helical Gear Unit

Crane Duty GCN Parallel Shaft Helical Gear Box

Gamma Gears GCN helical gearboxes are specially valued by our customers due to their high level of obtainability, their quality and their attractive price-performance ratio. Our selection of all-inclusive helical gearbox designs is perfectly supplemented by a wide range of standard options such as motor bell housings, backstops and taconite seals. The helical gearbox’s compact design, the choice between horizontal and vertical installation, the various mounting types (base- or shaft-mounted gearboxes) and the simple attachment of secondary components provide you with maximum flexibility when designing your plant.

With its range of GCN helical gearboxes, Gamma Gears now has the largest number of application-specific solutions and is thus able to meet almost any drive technology requirements in hundreds of industrial and raw material extraction applications.

Your GCN helical gearboxes benefits at a glance:

  • Maximum level of consistency and dependable operation
  • Massive modular system for the optimum gearbox result
  • High efficiencies and complete addition platform
  • Including shaft versions for easy connection to the work machine
  • Available as an individual gearbox or an integrated drive system
Crane Duty GCN Parallel Shaft Helical Gear Box
Crane Duty Parallel Shaft GCN Helical Gear Box
Technical Specification Crane Duty GCN Parallel Shaft Helical Gear Box
I N ≤45 Input Shaft Output Shaft
I N ≤ 45
Up to 100
I N ≤ 100
Size Of Gear Unit Q I Q I Q I Q Y M F K R T G
160 25 60 20 50 70 140 350 555 190 250 210 65
180 30 80 25 60 80 170 395 625 215 270 230 70
200 35 80 30 80 20 50 90 170 440 685 240 300 250 75
225 45 110 35 80 25 60 100 210 495 775 260 320 270 80
250 50 110 40 110 30 80 110 210 555 860 290 370 310 90
280 55 110 45 110 35 80 120 210 620 970 325 400 340 100
315 60 140 50 110 40 110 140 250 700 1085 355 450 380 110
355 70 140 55 110 45 110 160 300 785 1220 390 480 410 120
400 75 140 60 140 50 110 170 300 880 1355 440 530 460 130
450 85 170 70 140 55 110 190 350 990 1520 490 600 510 140
500 95 170 80 170 60 140 220 350 1105 1690 550 650 560 150
560 105 210 90 170 70 140 250 410 1240 1895 610 750 640 160
630 115 210 95 170 80 170 300 470 1395 2145 695 800 690 170
710 125 250 110 210 90 170 340 550 1565 2400 760 900 770 190
800 145 250 120 210 100 210 400 650 1760 2700 840 1000 870 200
Dimensions [mm] Fan Cooling Average Weight [kg] Oil Quantity
180 430 645 145 30 18 115 210 35 495 240 300 160 8
200 475 725 160 30 18 135 240 35 565 250 300 215 10
225 520 805 175 35 23 145 255 40 615 275 380 295 14
250 570 895 190 35 23 165 290 45 705 285 380 405 22
280 625 1000 210 40 27 180 315 50 780 310 380 540 28
315 690 1130 230 45 27 200 355 55 880 340 530 720 39
355 785 1255 655 260 50 33 220 405 60 985 365 530 970 56
400 865 1400 740 285 55 33 245 450 65 1110 400 650 1300 80
450 960 1565 840 305 55 33 280 510 70 1245 423 650 1770 115
500 1065 1750 940 345 60 39 315 575 80 1400 455 650 2350 165
560 1185 1950 1050 475 70 39 350 645 90 1550 555 650 3850 220
630 1325 2175 1165 510 80 45 390 715 100 1735 595 650 5300 310
710 1485 2485 1320 560 80 45 445 800 110 1985 635 650 7250 450
800 1665 2740 1490 600 90 45 500 900 125 2220 670 650 10100 670
900 1870 3040 1680 645 90 45 560 1100 140 2520 710 650 14100 900
Notes :
  • All dimensions are in mm.
  • These dimensions are for preliminary use only and are subject to our confirmation.

Helical gears are usually higher performance provider comparing to other gear types because they it’s having an upper level contact ratio and higher torque capability, which outcomes in straighter and softer operation.

Gamma Gears is a leading manufacturer and supplier of Crane Duty Parallel Shaft GCN Helical Gear Boxes. The same, our company has been providing excellent Crane Duty Parallel Shaft GCN Helical Gear Boxes to several industries for over 18 years.

Gamma Gears is much recognized for its assurance to excellence, improvement, and client fulfilment. Gamma Gears offers a wide range of helical gearboxes appropriate for several industrial engineering uses. Gamma Gears’s Crane Duty Parallel Shaft GCN Helical Gear Boxes are manufactured to provide extraordinary performance, trustworthiness, and effectiveness.

Gamma Gears uses cutting-edge industrial engineering manufacturing systems and equipment to produce high-precision Crane Duty Parallel Shaft GCN Helical Gear Boxes. The company’s quality control procedure includes hard testing and examination of all gearboxes products before they are transported to clienteles. Helical gearboxes are an important industrial engineering element in numerous industrialised and marketable machinery.


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